The Power of Sharing Your Story

Do you ever wonder why you should share your story? Maybe your story is painful for you to have to re-live, or you simply don’t think that anyone would be interested in listening to it. The cost of sharing might seem high with very little reward. Opening up to someone face-to-face can seem intimidating and writing it into a blog post would mean that anyone would be able to read it, not just the people that you choose to share it with.

What if I told you that sharing your story could have a major impact on both your outlook on life, as well as the person that you are sharing it with? Would that make you consider it twice? It is completely possible that could be the case. Walking through your story gives yourself the chance to process the situation again, the other person has the opportunity to relate to you, and helps you learn even more about yourself and so much more.

Your Story Can Help

Your story can help someone see that they aren’t alone in a world that might feel extremely isolating. Have you ever gone through a hard time and someone came alongside and helped you feel like you weren’t so alone? You have the opportunity to do that for someone else.

Imagine a girl who is in an abusive relationship. She can’t tell anyone what is going on which makes her feel alone in the world. One day she runs across your blog where you shared your story of finding the courage to get out of that situation and without knowing it, you put a small seed of hope in her mind. That seed grows over time and eventually you are the reason that she feels the strength to leave.

Your Story is Empowering

Your story might be the thing that causes others to become empowered. Have you ever listened to someone talk and just felt like you could take on the world? You could have the same effect on someone else. This could encourage them to get out of their situation, find something better for themselves, or even make the leap into creating a better situation for themselves.

When you went through hard times, you gained knowledge. That knowledge could be extremely valuable to someone who is going through something similar. Taking the time to sit down and share with them might be the thing that helps them get through whatever situation they are finding themselves in, and find a better life for themselves on the other side.

You Process It

Telling your story over and over again will help you process everything over and over again. Unfortunately it is impossible to fully process something in one 20 minute session. Depending on how large or severe the event was, the longer you will need to work on processing the whole thing fully. Keeping something in and never talking it over can lead to a situation festering. Pushing down memories and feelings might be helpful in the moment, but that rarely helps in the long term.

Everytime that you share your story your brain has the opportunity to relive it, while that might be hard, it will also give your brain the opportunity to process through it one detail at a time. Talking through it, or writing it out can help you move past the event and help you find peace. Remember that you might not find it the first time that you get it out, but over time you will get there!

While talking about hard times can be extremely difficult, it can also be immensely rewarding. It will help you grow as a person in innumerable ways while also showing others that they are also capable of similar things! When you are sharing your story you are giving hope to someone who might be needing it more than you will ever know.

Let me help you craft your amazing journey into a life saving book.

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