So you’ve written your book…what’s next?
How will your book impact you and your readers?
Impact can be difficult to measure. It’s not a clean, precise number like copies sold or leads generated. However, this intangible impact of a book is often what brings authors and readers together again and again.
At the heart of it all, most of us truly want to help people. When we impact our readers, we’re helping them, and that feels good.
Your book’s impact on readers will affect your life and your business in many ways: from self-improvement to relationship building and audience impact, from network expansion to legacy creation.
The simple act of writing a book adds a new title to your list of identities: author. Becoming an author means that you’ve taken your expertise, imbued it with confidence and time, and written it down for your audience to use to their own benefit. You’ve put yourself out there and declared that you are worthy of this title, and that you have stories worth sharing. It’s great for business, and it’s also great for you as a person.
Throughout the writing process, you’ve learned valuable skills and gained new insight into your own focus. You’ve learned how to hone your story into a gripping tale. You’ve leveled-up your communication skills. You’ve examined your expertise from all sides, and you’ve learned to clarify your position effectively.
By writing a book, you’ve put yourself on a new personal and professional level. You’ve taken ownership of your knowledge and chosen to share it with an ever-widening audience. You’re willing to stand your ground and invite constructive discussion from your readers. You’ve taken a huge creative leap and expressed yourself in a new way. Plus, writing a book just feels good. It’s a huge accomplishment!
You. Are. An. Author.
How badass is that?
Relationship Building
Your book can build your relationships in all aspects of your life. From business relationships to personal relationships, your book can improve your relationships during the writing process and after publication.
As a published author, your book lends you higher credibility, allowing you to enter into new business relationships at a new level. You don’t have to sell yourself; your book has done that work for you.
Your book can also increase team morale and understanding. You’re putting your money where your mouth is by creating a book that establishes what you stand for, so your values system is clear to your team and your wider audience.
Family relationships can also be improved through your book! How many times have you had to explain what you do around the dinner table, just to have an extended family member forget before the next time you get together? How many questions do you answer about your job on a regular basis with your family? Your book gives your family a concrete example of your work, and allows them to analyze and process it on their own time – away from the dinner table.
Audience Impact
Books, especially in the professional sphere, teach their audiences how to solve problems. Most authors want to help their audiences in some way. How will your book set itself apart from the pack?
Maybe your readers pick up your book because it offers a specific solution to a specific problem, and they know that with your expertise, they’ll finally be able to get what they want.
Perhaps your readers dive into your story because they trust that you have knowledge and wisdom that they’d like to have. They may be interested in collecting information on your topic of expertise, or viewing a topic they’re familiar with already from your unique perspective.
If your readers look up to you as an expert and a success, they may choose to pick up your book because they’re inspired by you. They want to be like you, and you want to empower them to be their best selves.
Readers pick up books for a variety of different reasons, but most involve self-actualization or improvement in some way. Just as your book helps you with self-improvement, it will also help your audience.
Network Expansion
As your book impacts your initial audience, they’ll begin to share it with others. Soon, your network begins to expand. People who’ve never heard of you hear of your book. They buy your book, they read your book, and suddenly, they’re reaching out to you.
Your network has expanded, and you’re scaling your impact.
People who may not be able to afford your services, or who live outside of your area, or who are in very different parts of life have access to you, your story, and your impact.
Legacy Creation
What will be left of you when you’re gone? How will you continue to influence people, even when you’re no longer in business?
Even if you work hard to help people every day, if you never write your book, how will your impact continue into the next generation?
Your book can be your mark on the world – a lasting legacy that allows you to help people far into the future.
If you’re ready to become a published author this year, our team of talented writers and editors is here to help. Schedule your no cost book consultation today Here.